You-Ain't-I: homepage for Will King

About me

Will King Professional Photo

Hello! I am Will King, an economist, programmer, and (most importantly) father. I'm currently a 5th year PhD student at Washington State University.

Professional Information

My current areas of interest include:

If you are interested at my professional work take a look at my current and past work Curriculum Vitae.

Other Interests and links

Some of my other areas of interest include

I self-host various services that I use to keep track of what I am doing. Some that you might find interesting include:

What is this You-ain't-I stuff?

The username or handle that I frequently adopt across the internet is youainti. One day I went to signup for a service and all the nice usernames were taken. I was trying to come up with something I could use and thought: "These other users aren't me." Suddenly I thought "You ain't I", and here we are.